Match report vs. Toukley
7 July 2018
1977 brought us the mega album Bat Out Of Hell with the classic track Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad. 2018 and deja vu at Toukley.
When you look at the three results and try to determine which of the three is bad ressy’s win hands down. Playing against a team coming last with just one win when you’re trying to consolidate a spot in the top 5 is cringeworthy at best. (No shortage of compliments here). Poor Dicko must be pulling his hair out ( oops too late).
To be fair it was a shocker of a day weather wise, it would’ve been a struggle to maintain a level of consistency due to the cold and the wind but both sides had to play on the same pitch in the same conditions.
The conditions were possibly worse for Thirsty Thirds as the wind was howling and cold, some of the goals were outlandish to say the least as the wind was responsible for maybe 3 assists at least.
Massive game at home this weekend, we need the points.
Come 1sts the weather was practically mild, could’ve been the frostbite had taken control of the senses. Thankfully the goals flowed as we led 4-1 at the break and a repeat of the first round 8-1 was on the cards. Not to be, but a good win anyway and a positive with Aaron making his return .
Big game this weekend and bigger ones around the corner, we are now at the pointy end of the season and need to focus on consistency in our performances. Assists are as,if not more, important as goals.