IQ Renew

GT A GRADE 2021/22

We are an Australian recycler. Our mission is linking the community to industry through innovation.

We believe in finding the highest value recycling solution for your recovered resources, with a particular focus on innovative solutions for glass and plastic.

Our Material Recovery Facility (MRF) on the NSW Central Coast receives and sorts materials from recycling bins of a number of large councils including the Central Coast, Ku-ring-gai and Northern Beaches. At the MRF, council recycling trucks drop off material from yellow and blue bins to be sorted ready for secondary processing (into new resources).

Our Virtual Quarry on the Central Coast recycles recovered glass from our MRF into crushed, clean sand for a range of high-value applications. iQ Renew’s clean recycled glass sand can be used as civil sand, drainage medium, blasting abrasive, water filtration medium and in soil enhancement.