Following is an outline for the collection of Match fees or Referee fees for 2016.
This outline only applies to Junior Comp Teams U10 to M18 and all Senior Teams, including All Age, M35 and M45 team divisions.
It is important to understand that this will not alter the fact that Team Managers still need to collect fees from players/guardians on a regular basis.
The only variation is in the time and method of payment to TUFC of Referee fees.
Old Referee Fee Collection Procedure
In previous years, the Team Manager collects Referee fees from players/guardians on a regular basis, usually $40 by week 4 and then further amounts on other occasions through the season depending on how many referees and assistants each team get on a weekly basis. The Manager would pay half of the Referee fees at the Ground Official Table before the game, the amount depending on the team division (age group) and the number of Referees adjudicating the game (max one centre referee and two assistant referees). The opposition team would do similar and pay for the other half of Referee fees for that game. The Referees collect their payments from the Ground Official Table and the transaction is completed without CCF involvement in the greater part.
CCF have changed the manner in which Referees are paid in 2016.
New CCF Payment System 2016
CCF will pay Referees direct into their bank account on a monthly basis, pending the number of games and the team division that they adjudicate. Subsequently, CCF will invoice for half of the Referee fees to TUFC direct on a monthly basis. TUFC in turn will need to collect Referee fees from all of its teams via the Team Manager on a regular basis, the amount depending on the team division (age group) and the number of Referees adjudicating the game (max one centre referee and two assistant referees).
Division | Referee | Asst Referee | Max Fee | |
per game | for season* | |||
Under 10 and U11 | $20.00 | n/a | $10 | $180 |
Under 12 | $25.00 | $12.50 | $25 | $450 |
Under 13 and 14 | $30.00 | $15.00 | $30 | $540 |
Under 15 and 16 | $34.00 | $17.00 | $34 | $612 |
Under 18 | $48.00 | $24.00 | $48 | $864 |
M35 and M45 | $48.00 | $24.00 | $48 | $864 |
All Age | $50.00 | $25.00 | $50 | $900 |
* the season estimate is based on one referee and two assistant referees for 18 games
New TUFC Referee Fee Collection 2016
This new procedure places additional time and effort on an already stretched committee who volunteer their time for your football.
There are 49-teams in U10 to Senior team divisions.
For this reason we will rely on Team Managers to make regular payments to TUFC based on an honesty system. By the last weekend of each month, the Team Manager will fill in the Team Referee Fee Reconciliation Sheet attached, equate the Referee fees spent at each game by their team for that previous month and place the Sheet and owed monies into a labelled envelope and drop it into the Ref Fees Box at Duffys canteen. TUFC will check that the Referee Schedule correlates with that from CCF.
It is imperative that if a scheduled referee or assistant referee does not attend your game that you inform the TUFC Fixtures Officer so that TUFC does not get charged for an absent referee and we in turn do not invoice you for overpayment to CCF.
As a safe guard for TUFC in its collection of Referee fees, if by the end of June the Treasurer considers a Team is not making sufficient monthly Referee fee payments to TUFC, TUFC will invoice that Team with the amounts indicated in the last column of the table above. A final tax invoice may be sent to Teams for Referee fee payments in August 2016. The Committee will deal with Teams that do not settle their Referee fees in a timely manner with such actions as forfeiting the Team from competition or withdrawing the team from season events including Season Presentation.
We hope this clarifies the Referee fee payments for 2016.
If you have any queries please direct them to your committee member.
You can access a reconciliation sheet via the documents section under Coaches and Manager corner